Unlock a Better Life

Discover the Power of an Extra Income!

Tired of working a 9 to 5 and barely getting by? Why should someone else get rich thanks to your hard work while you continue to struggle? You deserve better! 

In today’s world it’s never been easier to break free of the daily grind by working smarter, NOT harder. That’s why we created our Take Profit program where we build and manage your very own online store that generates a nice passive income and works for you!

Our results

How to Get Started?

Schedule an intro call

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Once you’ve filled out the form, we will schedule an intro call to provide you with more information and see how we can help you generate more income.

Finding the perfect niche

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We perform in-depth market research to find the most in-demand products to stock up your online store.

Uploading new products

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We professionally upload all the items and design your store in a way that helps increase visits and generate more sales.

Generate passive income

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We promote your store using Etsy’s marketplace to get you visitors. Shortly afterwards you’ll start seeing sales which will only continue to grow over time.


No need to worry, our support staff based out of the Philippines will provide you with 24/7 customer support ensuring all issues are handled in a timely and satisfactory manner.

Why Choose Us?

While anyone can open their own drop shipping business, most will fail without the right guidance and understanding of how to properly promote and run an online store. Our program is suited to everyone regardless of their level of experience or if they have a complete understanding of how to promote and sell products online. There is NO NEED to:

I Want to Start Earning Passive Income Now!

Who we are and why you should listen?

We are Momentum, experts with years of experience at running drop shipping stores on Etsy. The company was founded by Matan Guy and Natanel Nashi.

For the past few years, we have successfully run numerous stores and generated thousands of dollars in income with the help of a process we call ED which was personally developed and refined over the years by Momentum.

We currently manage over 100 Etsy stores. Using the ED process allowing us to generate substantial passive income in a relatively short period of time.

Today we manage a thriving and successful business that is able to generate substantial passive income for all our clients.


What is drop shipping?

Simply put drop shipping allows you to sell products without the need to purchase any stock beforehand. It works by having your users make a purchase through your store and only then do you purchase the item they requested from another supplier at a lower price which translates to your profits.

Currently Etsy offers between 2-3X more profit share from all other similar platforms and online marketplaces. Etsy also has less competition on their platform which allows you to generate more sales. Lastly the money you earn is deposited directly to your bank account.

With years of accumulated knowledge and experience helping many other individuals achieve financial security, Momentum is the perfect partner to help you achieve success. Why waste time learning and making costly mistakes when you can see results immediately with us.

Although each store performs differently our goal has always been to help our customers earn thousands more in passive income each month using our proven methods.

We promote your products using Esty’s platform, which allows us to gain traffic from users that are already on the site and looking for products like yours.

We strive to work in an open and transparent fashion. The store we open will be registered under your name and will belong to you including the bank account used to receive your money from sales generated online. In addition, you’ll receive daily reports on how your store is performing.

We have an in-house team across multiple countries that manages your store, uploads new products and deals with customer service issues. We handle everything from A to Z.

Our results

Start Earning Passive Income Now!